Nice Cage

I am the designer and co-editor for Nice Cage, an online literary magazine.

Send all comments and general inquiries about the magazine to For submissions information, please read the Nice Cage guidelines.


You can find my poetry in the following publications:

"I Take Threats Seriously" and "Benthic Zone", Rag Queen Periodical, October 2017

"Family Planning", Rise Up Review, September 2017

"Be My Leviathan", Liminality, Issue #13 - Autumn 2017

"Erosion is Self Care", YesPoetry, August 2017

"Trussed" and Empty Nests, Noble / Gas Qtrly, Issue 31

"The Best Magic I Know", The Puritan, Issue 31

"Distance Between Stars", Eye to the Telescope, Issue 17


"Tracks", Strange Horizons (short story)